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operating systemAndroid / Web
updateIt depends on the device.
main functionProvides encyclopedia-type champion information service, spectating and replay replay download service, champion statistics and general ranking, free ranking, and craftsman ranking. Pick ranking and van ranking statistics service provided. Video, tips and free topic forum community service.

Editor’s review

You can quickly search your records through The main method used is that even users who used OPGG can search comfortably because of the high speed. In addition to general stat search information, detailed data on how each champ will play are provided. In addition, you can easily find out what Tier 1 is by watching replays of professional players or by learning current trends. League of Legends, which has been loved for a long time, provides statistics on the MMR of the role, and among them, the role search po statistics service is loved by many people because of its accurate service.


watch the po
watch the po
paw roll search
paw roll search
Poe Stats
Poe Stats

It is very important to search for records in League of Legends (LOL) and analyze related information. not only provides a service in the form of an encyclopedia, but also provides information such as stat search, information about champions, item information, runes, summoner spells, patch history, and other community stories.

paw roll search
paw roll search

Key features and usage

In addition to being able to check information directly on the desktop, it also provides mobile services, so you can check information directly through your mobile phone. It also provides ranking (Normal, Free, Artisan), and also provides statistics on priorities such as pick rank and ban rank.

poe replay
poe replay

Replay service provided

Just as popular as doing a stat search on is that they offer a download service to replay replays in Summoner’s Rift. bat file, you can watch replays and analyze the play of pro players.

Champion Analysis
Champion Analysis

We provide champion analysis service, which is a basic function. It provides position, win rate, pick rate, ban rate, sample, and tier information. Kaisa, Ezreal, Jin, Lee Sin, Jinx Caitlyn, etc. Look at the stats by dividing one deal, jungle, tower, support, etc. according to the position.

Champion detailed stats

Champion detailed stats
Champion detailed stats

You can take a look at the stats for each champion. Statistics are displayed in the order of champion, pick rate, ban rate, KDA, CS, time, win rate, item preference, and spell preference. You can also choose by rank: Unlang, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger. You can filter regular matches, ranked matches, all-out warfare, and URF, and you can view the statistics of the last week and today.

Ranking stats

ranking service
ranking service

It can be classified into general tier ranking, free ranking, and craftsman ranking. You can check the tier, LP, win rate, and most champ in the ranking match. You can see more interesting information in the craftsmanship rankings above, and you can see the craftsmanship rankings of champions who have played 30 or more or 100 or more.

other statistics

Pick Rank Statistics
Pick Rank Statistics

You can check the pick rank stats and ban rank stats as above. You can check the ban rate by season and period. It can be seen that the picks are statistically progressed in the order of Jin, Lee Sin, Kaisa, Jinx, Ezreal, and Graves.


Introduction of Pou, a recommended site for historical search for rolls provides encyclopedia-type champion information service, spectating and replay download service, champion statistics and general ranking, free ranking, and craftsman ranking. Pick ranking and van ranking statistics service provided. We provide video, tips, and free topic discussion forum community services.

lol how to see old records

You can check the latest stats for each summoner in the Poe service. You can check tier, LP, win rate, and most champs. However, past information such as season 2 and season 3 is not provided.

Blocked the search for roll hole records

Yes. Roll Gong Home Historical Search has ended support for web services. You can check it at,,, etc., which provide battle record websites.

Lost roll match record

Regarding the problem with the match record, it can be said that it is a temporary error in general, other than the problem communicated through an official notice. It may take some time, so please be patient.

reference material

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