Windows 10 DIRECTX12 latest version check download

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Basic Information

There is an essential installation program to run multimedia when using a PC. DirectX is essential when running things such as audio, video, graphics, and games. In many cases, it did not run if it was not the Windows 7 Directx11 version, but at the time of Windows 10, the Directx 12 version needs to be installed. If the installation is not done properly, D3DX9 errors may occur when running the program, so the latest version is essential. Of course, there are cases where rolls cannot be performed due to other unknown directx errors, but general directx errors often occur in the previous version of directx 9.0 directx 10.

developerMicrosoft inc.
operating systemWindows 7 / Windows 10
main functionThe Microsoft DirectX end-user runtime installs several runtime libraries from the legacy DirectX SDK related to D3DX9, D3DX10, D3DX11, XAudio 2.7, XInput 1.3, XACT and/or some games using Managed DirectX 1.1.
Windows 7 DIRECTX11
Windows 7 DIRECTX11

How to check Directx version

The latest version supports self-updating in Windows 10. There are some people who manually update to the latest version according to the computer usage environment. Sometimes, one of the main errors that occur when you don’t proceed with the update comes from xinput1_3.dll.

How to use the Dxdiag diagnostic tool

Before installation, it is necessary to check the directx version. The way to check the directx version is to run the Directx Diagnosis Tool. You can check the diagnostic tool by pressing Windows key + R and typing ‘dxdiag’ in ‘Run’.

directx check
directx check

update method

You can get a file that can be installed directly from the MS official website. In a little while, directx 13 will be released, and as you can see from dxdiag, you can see that the current version of Directx 11 is installed. As you can see the video card settings in detail as above, it is recommended that you update to the latest version. You can get it from the DirectX End User Runtime Web Installer.

Microsoft Download Center

directx end user installer
directx end user installer

A file download for the update is available from the runtime web installer. You can see that DirectX is a key Windows technology that drives high-speed multimedia and games on your PC.

Check and update your settings

directx download install
directx download install

You can get the Dxwebsetup file and proceed to the next step. For Windows 7 or later versions, install the latest user runtime version as above, and for older versions such as XP, install the 9.0C runtime version. After the installation is complete, reboot and try running dxdiag again. You can check that the latest version of directx is installed.


Directx Latest Download Center

You can download files for updates from the runtime web installer from the Directx Latest Download Center. You can see that DirectX is the core Windows technology that runs high-speed multimedia and games on your PC.

How to check Windows 10 DirectX version

Before installation, you need to check the directx version. The way to check the directx version is to run the Directx diagnostic tool. Press Windows key + R and type 'dxdiag' in 'Run' to check the diagnostic tool.

How to Optimize Nvidia Graphics Drivers

With any graphics driver, DirectX is the one that can bring out the best performance of the graphics drive in Windows. Please keep the latest version.


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